Are you coming to Portland for the Roller Derby Global Championship in November?

That's so cool! I live here! Let's get together and talk about leadership, conflict, policy and procedures, and anything I can do to support you and your league.


There are several options for accessing my services while you're in town:

1. Group Coaching Walk-and-Talk! This is a no-cost option available at (or near) the Coliseum between games. I love watching derby, but I also know I need to move my body sometimes. Join me as we walk around and talk about whatever will help you be a better derby leader as a group of walkers and talkers. 

These sessions are designed for league members looking for support and connections to work through a myriad of leadership issues. You'll be able to talk with me and/or each other about leadership and league challenges so that you can get insights, grow skills, and build connections with like minds.

My vision is that the walk-and-talk(s) will happen during breaks between games or in the morning before games start.

To access this service, hit the contact button above, fill out the form with your name and email, and tell me you want to be on the Global Champs walk-and-talk list.

Once the game schedule is set (or maybe during the event TBD), I'll email the list with the time(s) and location to meet up for a walk-and-talk. Get yourself to the right place at the right time, and away we go!


2. Private Coaching Session(s). These paid confidential sessions ($100/hour, special derby-at-a-live-event rate) are where I meet with you (and maybe your leadership team) for one hour to strategize solutions and offer specific advice on the challenges, skill gaps, or leadership needs you are seeing so that you can take focused, effective, productive action. These sessions are ideal for discussing complex interpersonal issues, conflict response planning, league leadership strategy, co-leadership skills, leadership turnover, working with or removing difficult leaders/legacy skaters, and similar topics.

$100/hour, time and location TBD - could be at/near the Coliseum or around Portland,  before, after, or between games, during the days before/after the tournament.

To access this service, hit the contact button above and tell me you want to schedule a private coaching session at or near Global Champs, and I’ll get back to you with scheduling and billing options.


3. Private Workshops! Pricing starts at $400. If you and your leadership team (your league board or co-captain for example) are all in town for Champs, let’s get together for a specific custom workshop or training session. 

Topics could include:

  •  Implementing repair-based practices in your league so you don’t have suspensions and expulsions tearing apart your leaguemate relationships.

  • Shifting league culture so folks are intrinsically accountable for meeting league goals.

  • Running an effective team norms-and-agreements session so that your teams start or restart the season on the right foot (I can run this session for you or train you to run your own).

  •  Conflict response skills training so people know what to do and how to take action when conflict arises. 

  • Team building for your leadership team (exploring leadership styles, communication, and thinking styles so you can work together more easily). 

  • Values update workshop so that your league has a set of coherent, modern, true-to-the-people who are here now values to guide all league decisions and serve as a foundation for league culture.

Want a full-day seminar where we throw your league code of conduct (or grievance process, or both) in the trash and build something that builds community instead of setting people up to punish each other? We can do that. 

If you can dream it, let’s discuss it! 

The price starts at $400 and could range to $4000+ depending on what you need and how many people attend and the lenght of the session(s). The time, location, and exact pricing are TBD. It could be in the day(s) before or after champs or in the morning or evening during the tournament. Do you have friends at another league who want the same private workshop? Combine forces and split the cost! 

To access this service, hit the contact button above and tell me what kind of private workshop you’re curious about. If this is interesting to you, please contact me before 10/20 so we can get all the parts in motion.


4. Something....else. Hit the contact button and let me know what you are looking for. Let's talk about it!