RollerCon 2024!

Check out my seminar schedule and get the slides/notes here!

Seminar schedule:

(Search for Iggy in the RollerCon app to find the seminar descriptions and mark your schedule!)

Thursday 7/11

10:00-10:30 AM Conflict Management Tool Download (room S1)

2:00-3:00 PM Conflict Management Skills Workshop (room S3)

4:30-6:00 PM No More Grievances & Shifting Culture (room S1)

6:00-8:00 PM Private Coaching Sessions - info and sign-up:

Friday 7/12

1:30-2:00 PM Conflict Management Tool Download (room S2)

3:00-4:00 PM Adaptable Leadership & Using Your Strengths (room S3)

4:00-5:00 PM Co-Captains as Co-Leaders (room S3)

5:00-6:00 PM Kick Ass Team Norms & Agreements (room S3)

6:00-8:00 PM Private Coaching Sessions - info and sign-up:

Saturday 7/13

11:00-12:00 PM Build a Thriving Junior Roller Derby Program (room S1)

12:00-1:00 PM Read it or Not Book Club: Beloved Economies (room S1)

1:30-3:00 PM No More Grievances & Shifting Culture (room S2)

3:30-4:30 Kick Ass Team Norms & Agreements (room S1)

6:00-8:00 PM Private Coaching Sessions - info and sign-up:

Get your seminar notes/slides here:







Are you coming to Las Vegas early or sticking around after RollerCon? 

How about a Private Coaching Session on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Sunday during RollerCon week? Learn more here or hit the contact button above to discuss this possibility.


Private coaching online special offer for July after RollerCon! 

Resolve your leadership challenges and get coaching on those sticky intperpersonal conflicts without comitting to a package of sessions. This is the only time of year for this 1:1 service at this special RollerCon pricing. Take a look and schedule a session. (Availability is limited - if you see no available dates when you click on the link they are sold out.)


Don't have time or brain power to attend these seminars live at RollerCon? 

(Or maybe you didn't go to RollerCon at all...)

There are now online versions you can do anytime you want. (You can still wear skates while doing the training in the comfort of your own home.)

     (Psssst - if you get the seminar notes/slides for these sessions you'll find a discount code for the online version.)


What else do I do?

Coaching, training, and consulting with individuals, teams, and organizations (aka Leagues!) so they can build trust, show respect, and lead with justice.


Nerd out with me at the Books Applied Podcast, where I talk about interesting books and how to use their ideas.


I write about leadership, positive culture, and more here.


Got a leadership situation to resolve or a dream for a better future with more accountability and less conflict? Let’s talk about how I can help you make it happen. Drop a line.